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Introducing Realism in International Relations


In the discipline of International Relations, Realism is a school of thought that emphasizes the competitive and conflictual side of International Relations. Realism`s roots  are often said to be found in some of the humankinds earliest historical writings, particularly Thucydides history of Peloponnesian  War, which raged between 431 and 404 BCE.  Realism is the dominant theory of IR, it is developed after two World Wars, but its roots can be traced from:-

1-   1  Peloponnesian War, written by Thucydides.

2-  2    Suntzu`s book Art of War.

3-   3     Arthashashtra book by Chanakya.


Realism is actually a spectrum of ideas, Realists believe in the centrality of Power in politics, the minimal role of morality, reason and objective. Realists are  essentially theorists of Power Politics. Realists believe that state is an important/only/major Actor in IR. Everything is being done on the name of state. Realists do not believe that because of Globalization power of state is declined. They believe State is still an important actor. Realists are essentially theorists of power politics. The first assumption of realism is that the nation-state, is the principal actor in IR, other bodies exist, such as individuals and organizations but their power is limited. Second, the state is a Unitary actor, in the sense that rational decision making leads to pursuit of the National Interest. Finally State live in a context of Anarchy that is, in the absence of anyone being in charge internationally.

Theory of Realism can be explained on the basis of four core elements:-

1-     Anarchy:- International politics takes place in an arena that has no overarching central authority above the individual collection of sovereign states. It denotes complete chaos and lawlessness.

2-     Statism:- State is everything, no one and nothing is above the state. Everything is in control of state, everything is being done on the name of state.

3-     Survival and Self Help:- In IR, no one is your permanent friend and enemy. State has to think about its own interests and survival. Self Help is the only way to be safe in the world as world is the Jungle, because there is lawlessness.

Realism is a theory that claims to explain the reality of International Politics. It emphasizes the constraints on politics that results from humankinds Egoistic nature and the absence of a central authority above the state. For realists, the highest goal is survival of the state, which explains Why? States actions are judged according to the ethics of responsibility rather than by moral principles.


The core theme of Realist theory can be summed up in the equation. Egoism plus Anarchy equals Power Politics. Some have suggested that this formulation betrays a basic theoretical fault line within realism dividing it into two distinct schools of thought. One of these is Classical Realism and another is Neorealism. In the recent times a new thread of realism have emerged known as Neoclassical Realism.

These Threads of Realism will be discussed in the Next Blog.