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Neo-Realism/Structural Realism,Overview


Neo-Realism or Structural Realism is the recent filament of Realism evolved during 1980s. The main influential figure between this new strand is Kenneth Waltz. Neo Realists or Structural Realists explains- Power Politics in terms of Anarchy. Neo-Realism; A perspective on international politics that modifies the power politics model by highlighting the structural constraints of the international system; sometimes called ‘new’ or structural realism. Structural Realists attribute security competition and inter-state conflict to the lack of an overarching authority above states and the relative distribution of power in the International system.

       Structural Realism or Neo-Realism is associated with Kenneth Waltz and his masterpiece, Theory of International Politics, Waltz shifts the focus from the individual to the structure and argues that the power-seeking state is reacting to the Anarchy of the system. In the absence of an overarching authority, a state turns to itself in order to survive. Waltz defined the structure of International system in term of three elements….

----Organizing Principles (Anarchy and Hierarchy).

----Differentiation of Units.

----Distribution of Capabilities.

                         The Waltz`s theory of International politics differs from Morgenthau`s classical notion of realism. Morgenthau assumed that leaders of states are motivated by their lust for power. Waltz`s  theory, by contrast, omits leader`s motivations and state characteristics as causal variables for international outcomes, except for the minimal assumption that states seek to survive. In addition, whereas classical realism suggested that state strategies are selected rationally, Waltz is more agnostic. According to Waltz, state behavior can be a product of the competition among states.

                    Within Neo-Realism, a few strands have emerged. The two better known one`s are Defensive Neo-Realism and Offensive Neo-Realism.

The Defensive Neo-Realists (Robert Jeruis and Jack Synder) argue that the anarchial structure is seen such that states seek power only to minimize the gap in the power between them. States, they argue only seek to find assurances of their security and are therefore security-maximisers.

The Offensive Neo-Realist such as John Mearsheimer, in his book “Tragedy Of Great Power Politics” argues that states are power maximisers. He bases his argument on following assumptions;

---The system is anarchic.

---States can never be sure about the intentions of other states.

---All great powers possess some offensive ability.

---That all states are rational acotrs.

       There, he concludes, the best defense for a state is good offence.

                        “ God helps those states, which help themselves”

                                                                      John Mearshiemer’ 


                                          Since the end of the Cold War a group of scholars have attempted to move beyond the parsimonious assumption of Structural Realism and incorporated a number of additional factors located at the individual and domestic level into their explanation of international politics. While systemic factors are recognized to be an important influence on the behavior of states, states are factors such as the perceptions of state leaders, state society relationships and the motivation of states. In attempting to build a bridge between Structural and Unit level factors (emphasized by many Classical Realist), this group of scholars has been characterized by Gideon Rose as Neo-Classical Realists.

Fareed Zakaria, is a major proponent of Neo-Classical Realism, He in his book “From Wealth to Power” , writes that, The systemic account of the world politics provided by Structural Realism is incomplete. It needs to be supplemented with better accounts of Unit level variables such as how power is perceived and how leadership is exercised.